There are two obvious ways to ask the opinion of a set of people: join everyone in a room or set up an online questionnaire. While we think the former will always be the best way to foster the debate and exchange of arguments between people, it lacks the flexibility required to join people often geographically disperse and with tight schedules. Additionally, it makes no sense when the number of participants is very high. The later, on the other way, overcomes the problems of having many people at the same time in a room but makes it impossible to share people’s opinions. This is where Welphi comes handy. It not only provides the online resources to set up a questionnaire where each participants can answer it his own pace and place, but it also makes it possible to share participants answers and comments and ultimately allow any participant to change his/her answer after getting feedback from his peers.
Yes. If you only set up 1 round and choose to not allow users to comment on their answers you will be setting a normal questionnaire just like any platform does.
Yes, whenever you create a new round welphi will automatically copy all pages and questions as well as participants answers from the previous round. When the new round is launched, each participant will access the same pages but this time the previous rounds’ answers will be presented for each answer. Depending on the type of questions, this information may include, tables, charts and comments and will always remain anonymous.
Every time you want to get the answers from the participants you want to invite, you need to set up a round. A round begins when you invite participants, and ends when you decide you have enough answers. Once the first round is finished, you can use Welphi’s tools to analyse the data. After this, you can set up another round so that participants are allowed to see the statistics of the other users’s answers as well as the comments they may have written. The goal is that, through several rounds, the group can get closer to a consensus.
Welphi can be used to help someone get feedback from experts/participants regarding a particular subject where he/she requires a validation of some elements. These elements can be:
- 1 – Indicators to used in the construction of an index;
- 2 – Goals to be set for a department or company;
- 3 – Events or scenarios which likelihood you want to access;
- 4 – Criteria to used in the evaluation of drugs;
- 5 – Key performance Indicators for performance measure
- 6 – Places where you want to go next holydays.
Anything you can think of…
No. To help the questionnaire be cleaner to the participants, you can add category field to the elements to aggregate them in groups. Imagine you are asking validation about criteria to build an index, you can add a field named “Area” and define to each area does each criterion belong. This way, the questionnaire will be splitted in a screen for each area thus making it much easier for participants to answer.
Yes. You can access the round user’s statistics page to see the exact percentage of the questionnaire that any user has already completed. Please note that you cannot see the participant’s answers. Those will remain anonymous.
Yes. You can change add and remove participants at any time