Welphi makes it very easy to invite your participants and keep track of their progress. Inviting participants, send reminders to participants with uncompleted questionnaires or to those who did not start yet is just on click away.
In this article you will learn how to:
- invite participants to your questionnaire from within Welphi
- Invite participants from your own e-mail client
- Use Welphi without inserting the participants’ real e-mail address
Inviting participants from within Welphi
Hands down the easiest and most practical way to invite your participants is to do it from within the platform. Along with its monitoring features, getting people to answer and keeping track of the progress of your participants is as easy as it gets.
Note: Don’t forget to open your round before sending e-mails to participants.
To start this process just access the round page, click on the “ROUND STATUS AND INVITATIONS” BUTTON on the right side to access the monitoring page where you will see a list of all the participants who can be contacted.
Note: To learn how these participants were added to your study, click Adding and managing your participants
To contact your participants, you need to select who will receive the e-mail. To do this, just check the checkbox next to their names. It may be easier to filter the list or use the “select all” check box at the top when you are sending the first invite.
Note: To send invitation or reminder emails from within Welphi, you need to provide each participants e-mail address when you add your participants on the process page. Please check below if you want to learn how you can invite your participants without inserting their e-mail addresses into Welphi.
After selecting the target participants just click any of the buttons on the left side depending on the e-mail you are sending. Clicking one of these buttons will let you to setup the e-mail subject and body texts.
Please keep in mind that you will always have to place the “@url” placeholder in your text to let Welphi know where it will place each participant link to access the questionnaire.
Each participant will have a unique link that Welphi will automatically create and insert on the e-mails. In case you need to know the access links just press the “load participants links” on the monitoring page (to read more about using the participant link to send invitation e-mail from within your own e-mail client or any other contact form, see the [below]
After editing your texts (Welphi provides a default text that you can use), you just need press the “save” button to save the texts or the “send” button, to save the text and immediately send the e-mails to the participants you have selected.
Once you have sent your e-mails, you can keep track of who opened them and who clicked the access link. To learn more about monitoring see here
Inviting participants using your own e-mail client
E-mails sent from Welphi will arrive at your participants’ e-mail boxes coming from the address no-reply@welphi.com and although we do our best to deliver your message to their inbox, sometimes you may want to use your own e-mail box or just use another mean of contact. To do this, you just need to click the “load participants links” on the monitoring page. You will then have access to each participants’ unique link that you can send them using whichever contact mean you prefer.
You will still be able to track the progress of each participants’ progress. Learn how Monitor e-mail invitation status and participants progress
Inviting participants without inserting their e-mail addresses in Welphi
Even though Welphi encrypts emails addresses and participants names, as well as all the information you and your participants insert into the platform right from your computer all the way into our servers and databases, sometimes you may need to go an extra mile to protect sensitive data.
This article will help you set up your process in a way that you don’t need to provide your participants e-mails addresses or names and still be able to monitor your process flow. The only downside to this approach is that you will have to use your own e-mail client
The first thing we advise you to do is to create an excel file where you save your participants real name and addresses. For each one of your participants, you will need to create a fake e-mail and name that you will then insert into Welphi. This excel file will hold the link between each participant real data and the fake information you will insert into Welphi.
Please keep in mind that this procedure will always require additional work on your side to invite your participants into the questionnaire. Since Welphi does not now the participants real email addresses, you will have to send the